Sat 11 Jan
GIRL looking for a sexually fun FUCK-FRIEND to hang out with and show me around NEW ORLEANS - w4m - 20
(-New Orleans)
** SwEEtEr tHaN SuGaR, TaStEs jUsT LikE hOnEy ** SeXXXy & InCrEdIbLe ** - 23
(New Orleans area/ metairie in/ out)
Fri 10 Jan
75$ specials...for 20 minutes...i can make u feel like u neva felt before!!! cum let me do u rite!!! - 22
>♥ YOUR ___ #1 ___ EXOTIC ___ ASIAN ___ SEXY___ AMAZING ___ BEAUTY ___ BODY & CURVES! asian - 25
(New Orleans)
==> Stacie L *Upscale Adult Encounters* Dont u like having something others cant afford? - 23
(Jefferson Circle-FREE Off Street Parking)
Outcall Specials .... Starting at $60...... Outcall Specials.. Kristen - 26
(New Orleans, new Orleans Outcall only!)
*:.:*¨¨*:: Stunning Curvy Slim Waist Bubble Booty Blonde .*:.:*¨¨*:: - 22
(New Orleans, In Kenner or Out near You)
NeW SEDUCTIVE °•*•° { SexY }♥ N@ughTy & Sweet *•° ((BruNeTTe)) •*•FuN°--&-- WiLd!-- ( 24 / 7 - 25
(New Orleans, Metairie Incalls + Outcalls)
NeW In ToWn!!!! JuSt ArRiViNg!!!! TrUe UpScALe GFE PrOviDeR!!!! GrOwN aNd sExY!!!! - 30
** C.u.m have a Special Saturaday with Sexy Filipina Barbie.. . ** - 22
___ SExXxY __ WETtT __ P E R F E C T "10" ____~ B _L _O _N _D _E ~____ EyE CanDy___ - 22
(Metairie/ French Quater)
VERIFIED PROVIDER! METAIRIE INCALL! Tall, Sexi Italian!~ Brittany (Available 24/7) - 25
(New Orleans, North shore and METAIRIE INCALL)
°♥o° E.V.E.R.Y. °o° M.A.N.'.S. °o° F.A.N.T.A.S.Y. °o♥ 30 Min Special
(kEnNeR iNcAlL/ OuTcAlLs EvErYwHeRe)
Thu 09 Jan
How *** SWEET *** Does **** This *** LOOK _______ Come Over And Find Out For YOURSELF - 20
I feEl LikE geTTiN ... SLIPPERY FxcKiN WETTT! u cumMmn 2 my "sexXxii PARTY?"
(in my CoOkiE fACTory...)
°° °° °° °° °° °° BUBBLY °° °° BLONDE °° °° BABE °° °° °° °° - 19
VERIFIED PROVIDER! Month Of The South! Tall, Sexi Italian!~ Brittany (Available 24/7) - 25
(New Orleans, Westbank and Northshore IN N OUTCALL)
Specials All Night!! Starting @ $60 .... Outcall only! - 23
(New Orleans, new orleans, metairie, hotels)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💏 SUPER 🍭🚿🏇 🏇💋 PErformance 💋The BADDEST 💋The Best is leaving SOon!! - 25
Specials Starting at $60... Beautiful Chocolate Girl.... Older Gentlemen Welcome... Outcall only - 25
(New Orleans)
Outcall Specials .... Starting at $60...... Outcall Specials.. Kristen - 26
(New Orleans, new Orleans Outcall only!)
New Special $40 all others Starting at $60... New Pics .... Outcall Specials - 25
(New Orleans, new Orleans Outcall only!)
♥ NEW IN TOWN ·. ♥·. .·COME EXPERIENCE THE BEST_(80) SPLS ♥ .¸.·´¯* - 22
(new orleans/ all metro areas)
Don't think about calling another girl, call the well trusted sexy Samantha. - 45
(New Orleans, No A.A.(Parking in rear additional $200))
Freak Ebony Ready For Some Fun #Give Me A Call $ You Wont Regret It! 100%Real (Alexis 504+ 266!6445) - 21
(New Orleans, East New Orleans (I-10 Service Road))
How *** SWEET *** Does **** This *** LOOK _______ Come Over And Find Out For YOURSELF - 20
ೋ _____ ೋ _* _ P_U_R_E _ *_ ೋ _* _ P_L_E_A_ S_U _R_E _ *_ ೋ _____ೋ - 20
(New Orleans, In Metaire, Kenner, or Out near You)
****I Just Want To Fuck ASAP...No Strings, Just Sex.... And My Husband Can Never Find Out!!!****
(My house)
Upscale Adult Encounters. Home - Office - Hotel visit. What's your fantasy? NEW VIDS & PICS N MY AD! - 23
(Downtown New Orleans Outcall /incall)
❤ߒ˛[♛( SuP€r ♥ CuTe ߒˢݤߒ˛[spaNKaBℓε αSS★ •:*¨¨*:•.LIMITED TIME ♥80 Spcls "Ms.Kandii Kiss" - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall)
Wed 08 Jan
Cali freak_MS CAlif0RNiA SWEEt hEARt hAS ARRiVEd [100% SAtiSfACti0N GUARANtEEd] _Cali freak - 19
Natural, pretty woman. White. Classy. Brand new pics - 25
(New Orleans, new orleanseast-incall all areas-outcall)
Looking for High-class Lady who knows how to treat you right? Let's Have Some Fun!!!! - 34
(New Orleans, Greater New Orleans Area)
NEW in TOWN!!! the BEAUTIFULL ~~~ BUSTY BELLA $75 birthday weekend special - 23
(New Orleans, Westbank)
Here Now for the 1st Time Don't Miss Out on Me, THE Ultimate G..F..E.. Clare Brooks!!! - 38
(New Orleans/Metairie)
HURRAY FOR GAME DAY SPECIAL!!! You know Cali shows the Saints Fans Love! 100 special - 23
(5 star hotel Downtown new orleans)
Hello Gents! My first time here & for 2 days only 9/16 & 9/17 - INCALL & pre-booking now :) - 32
(Veterans Memorial Blvd - Metairie, LA)
♥♥Available ♥Now♥ Sexy, ♥Naughty,♥ and ♥Ready♥ to ♥Play!!!♥ Cambodian ♥Beauty!♥♥ - 23
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, Read Blvd)
** SwEEtEr tHaN SuGaR, TaStEs jUsT LikE hOnEy ** SeXXXy & InCrEdIbLe ** - 23
(New Orleans area/ metairie in/ out)
Tue 07 Jan
♣~¤¤~▶ ☆★☆Come Be Amazed ☆★☆◀~¤¤~♣ ★•••• ★ Thursday Treat Spcls ★•••• ★ - 23
(Shreveport, Shreveport Incall)
¸. '*BuStY ToViNa ¸¸.*o★o* ¸. '*PIN UP blOnDe *o★o* *YouR SeDuCtReSs¸¸. - 33
(New Orleans, FQ/new orleans)
~~~~~~85 kisses special apple bottom tiffany find out wat ur missin~~~~ - 21
(new orleans in gentilly)
⚠ CaUtIoN ⚠ 💧§LiPP€R¥🌊 WH€N W€T💦 €XTR€M€LY 💊 ADDiCTiV€ 💉 A$IAN🎎 VIXEN‼️ - 23
(Eastern NO, In/Outcalls Available, New Orleans)
CALL NOW!(KENNER AREA )LeaVing SooN!$ 60 Specials! CuTie With a BOOTY & A Soft AnD GenTLe Touch ! - 27
((AIRLINE HWY)KENNER AREA!CALL NOW, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
& & &Looking; for a Future Ex Husband....Call ME to Find Out! ! ! & & - 29
(New Orleans, in FQ and surround)
rEd hAiR 💋 BIG BOOTY !!! 🍑 👅💦 ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤ upscale beauty 💕🌹 #BBWDOITBETTER, cum find out 😘💋 - 19
(East NEWO, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
You Aint Fxcked SHxT, Til You Fxck With This B!TCH!! ****15/65 QV SPECIAL**** - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie)
NO *** ONE *** CAN *** DO*IT *** THE *** WAY *** I *** DO ***COME FIND OUT WHY - 20
VERIFIED PROVIDER! 2 Girl Shows! of the South! Tall, Sexi Italian!~ Brittany - 26
(New Orleans, Northshore N Surrounding Areas!)