Fri 10 Jan
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G H💨O💨T 💋 leaving in the morning - 22
(French Quarter / CBD, Kenner/Airport, New Orleans)
☆ ★ Sexy, Petite & VERY ★ ☆ [ * INCALL SPECIALS* ] - 23
(Metairie Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
🔥Gorgeous Ebony 👑 In Town💢All Natural BIG BoOTy💋Highly Addictive👅💦 - 20
(Kenner/Metairie, my place,ext.williams, Mid-City, New Orleans)
💎💔Mandy💋👑(all N.O.) guys don't 🙈overlook 👀this hottie🔥 - 28
(New Orleans, New Orleans metropolitan area)
TALL🔥SEXY🔥ITALIAN~ Verified👌Well Reviewed👍 BRITTANY~~ 504-237-3493 - 27
Sweet As I Wanna Be ********* N@ughty As They Come ******** HOT EBONY PLAYMATE - 20
SUP€R FR€AK¥_ *!*FL!RTY*!*__ *!* *!*ExOTIC PLAYMAT€ *!*__*! ( AMAZING SKILLS ) - 25
(New Orleans, Metairie In-calls & Out-calls)
__ 5 _STAR _ FREAKY _BLONDE_ INCALLS! _________ ____ Gorgeous German Barbie _____ GREAT REVIEWS - 21
(incalls upscale location)
★ #1 EB0Ny BARBiE ☆ •1OO% REAL [&]REViEWEd• ☆ = [ 70¤ 100¤ 160¤ SPECIALS ] ★ - 20
100%Freak ¤Short & Curvy Ebony PlayMate¤ 100%Real "Just What You Need" (Alexis504_ 266_6445) - 21
(New Orleans, East New Orleans (I-10 Service Road ))
Petite Spinner ⭐ Tasty ⭐ Yummy ⭐ Playmate 🍰 🍒 🍓 🍑 Appointments have to be made 30 min advance - 23
(New Orleans, Metairie)
**👑 The Golden Goddess👸 **Soft Brown Beauty💎 So Seductive 💋💋💋NO RUSH❗️ - 20
(New Orleans, Gentilly area)
Stop! Sexy Upscale Blonde!! Just arrived in Town!! 100% Me - 23
(New Orleans, French quarter/ Downtown)
★ WhY SeTtLe For AnYtHinG BuT ThE BEsT ?? Mi[x]eD Sexy PlayMate Here 2 CartEr *-* ((SPECiALS)) - 22
(New Orleans, UPscale Incall ( Kenner))
* UPSCALE GENTS* WARNING!!!: May Cause LONG Term EROTIC Side Affects!! In/Outcalls 24hrs - 22
»-(¯`v´¯)-» P€RRRF€CT »-(¯`v´¯)-» PL@¥M@T€ »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 20
(New Orleans, Ncall(Norlns)OutCall(Kenner))
██ ► Very Petite & Kinky!... ** Molina ** $300 2 Girl speciak ► - 19
(New Orleans, CANAL.ST upscale hotel)
*$* Sweet young delicious sugar baby *$*504 206 6170 - 26
(New Orleans, new Orleans areas and the out skirts)
~~~ Sweety Vicky ~~~~~~ Korean Friendly & Opoe-minded ~~~~~~ 504-324-1833 %$###@ - 21
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
Super Sexy Michelle Visiting NOLA Now For Your Ultimate Pleasure !!!!!!! - 19
(new orleans and surrounding)
°♥o° E.V.E.R.Y. °o° M.A.N.'.S. °o° F.A.N.T.A.S.Y. °o♥ 30 Min Special
(kEnNeR iNcAlL/ OuTcAlLs EvErYwHeRe)
Thu 09 Jan
Top of the LINE!!((REVIEWED)) $imply thee BEST! ! See Why they CraVe MoRe! In&Out; - 30
(New Orleans, Kennet metairie incalls $elect outcalls)
(•♥•) HoTtIE EaGeR tO pLeAse (((CALL NOW while IM hoT)))!!!! (•♥•)SpECiaLs 832-429-8693 - 20
(New Orleans, westbank area)
How *** SWEET *** Does **** This *** LOOK _______ Come Over And Find Out For YOURSELF - 20
Im as sweet as candy and your invited to my candy shop$80special - 21
(New Orleans, Kenner*VETERANS BLVD)
I feEl LikE geTTiN ... SLIPPERY FxcKiN WETTT! u cumMmn 2 my "sexXxii PARTY?"
(in my CoOkiE fACTory...)
Craving Something Sweet■ I Want To PleASE YOU■ I WonT STOP ■ TIL I get the LAST DroP!!■ - 20
(New Orleans, incalls new orleans)
* ! * ! DoNt MiSs OuT * CaUcAsIoN * hOtTiE * wAiTiNg * To * MaKe * yOuR * daY * $PECIALS ! * ! * ! - 20
(metairie in & out)
☆Come & get it ☆ 100%Real NoHassle ✔ luvs to kiss ✔just Pure Pleasure of FUn. Super YUMMy😘😘 - 21
(New Orleans, I10 & bullard)
60 Specials * The ABSOLUTE BEST...ALWAYS WARM, JUICY, & INVITING!!!! *60 Specials - 26
(New Orleans, METAIRIE)
***!!!6am-12pm !!!EARLYBIRD!!! Qk special,You can Get It All HONEY*** - 22
(KENNER/ METAIRIE & surrounding area)
Male or female Independent escorts- ages 21 - 65 quality screened clients available - 35
(New Orleans, Louisanna)
its ugly outside, and u have a ugly wife staring at u. cum let me show you how fun it is 2 get wet..
(New Orleans)
! @==@__ T h I C K __@==@__ B u S t Y __@==@__ i R i S h __@==@__ 10O __@==@__ SpEcIaL _@==@ ! - 22
(Metairie Incall/Outcalls)
* ThE * BEST * ON * tHe * PAGE * yOu * HaVe * To * SeE * CaUcAsIoN * HOTTIE (updated pictures) - 19
(incall outcall)
The Seductive Exotic Highly Anticipated Ms Amber Love!! New Pics New Look!! Gets better Everytime !! - 22
(New Orleans)
●• Come get your KANDY Fixx! ●• ((Reviewed)) Your FaV is Back avail Now!! - 30
(New Orleans, METAIRIE incall/outcall upscale)
Caution Caution S.. loving Kitty on the lose Caution Caution Extremely Dangerous
(norleans quaters metairie etc...)