Learn the "Art of Tantra" from Certified Tantrika ~ Receive $50 Off 3Hr Intro Session - 48

Posted : Monday, January 06, 2025 07:38 AM | 11 views

What is Tantra….What is a Tantric Massage….What is Kundalini Awakening…..Allow yourself to take a Journey … If you are like most, you are confused. Everyone has all these beautiful phrases and writings but quite frankly, it is hard for the everyday man to understand. You can have five sessions with five different Tantrikas and each will be completely different. Each of us have different gifts and different styles of delivery, none being wrong, just different. Some offer massage, some offer extensive breath work, others may offer Goddess Worship, the list goes on and on. First you need to decide what you want the session to do for you. Are you looking for relaxation, healing from some past trauma, wanting to learn control, do you suffer from ? Maybe you want to learn how to experience inner /whole body . My specialty is working with men who suffer from Prostate cancer. I am what you call a “Spiritual Based” Tantrika, I work in spirit. In over seven years I have never had two sessions be the same. My breath changes, my touch changes, but for some reason it ends up being exactly what it is suppose to be. I say "I teach Tantra and I use massage as a tool to teach". Most of my sessions are focused on shifting of the Kundalini energy. Once your Kundalini is shifted and moved you will experience heightened states of awareness, a state of being that most describe as “indescribable”. It is not just physical pain the body feels that is healed in tantric massage; even the emotional scars the person sustains in his or her lifetime are soothed and melted away. Tantric massage also opens a person to unity on a spiritual level with the world around him or her. Learning to achieve an inner body state is like surfing, once you have one you know another is right behind. I have kept my partner and many of my clients in a continuous inner/whole body state for several minutes, to over an hour. Many times this can be achieved on your first session, but for some, multiple sessions are required. This is why 2.5 to 3 hours is required on your first session. www.artoftantra.com In my session you will learn to move out of your mind and into your body. There is no magic; you will learn to become more aware. You will be not only more aware of your being, but also your partners. The only request I have is, you come with an open mind, body and spirit. If this is what you seek you have many options as to whom you choose as your teacher and your mentor. It would be my honor to start you on your journey and help facilitate life changing results. Please take a few moments to review my website www.artoftantra.com, you will find lots of information about me and my sessions. I will be in New Orleans March 24th-27th only. Love and Light… Goddess Renee’ info@artoftantra.com www.artoftantra.com temple of bliss nyc,asian escort new orleans,new orleans asian escort,nurumssage,nola bliss,asian massage monroe la,asian health club,nurumasssage,nuru la,la erotic massage
  • Post ID : 3231696
  • Poster's age : 20
  • City : New Orleans
  • Address : New Orleans, French Quarter