Sun 05 Jan
Stop Looking and START Living...Seeking 1-2 submissive. Open minded females. - 100
(New Orleans, NOLA | Nationwide)
Collegebabes All Races Fresh New Faces Needed for Outcall Service/Earn $1200 & Up Nightly - 24
(New Orleans, Providence R.I.@ the Surrounding Area)
🙋🏾Your Favorite 🌸🌴Tropical Chocolate🌊 ( JADE )🤸🏾♀️Ask🚺🚺shows🎦❇️✅ - 22
(Canal st. Hosting🏩 Will travel 2+🥀🌸, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
Hey Guys!!Tired&Stressful; work wk? Im Classy,Sweet,& Full of Pure fun and Excitement! - 27
(East New Orleans Downman Rd & Chef Hwy, New Orleans)
💖👑💎🌟SuPeRHeAd! JuiCy bo0tY🌟💎👑💎🌟ᎶᎾℛᎶℰᎾUЅ ℙℒᎯᎽℳᎯᏆℰ 🌟👑💎👑🌟 т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє Line 🌟💎👑💖 - 21
(Chef hwy gentilly 🏠in and out🚗, Gentilly, New Orleans)
$•° T °•U °•N °• N• ° I N•G• CinnamonDominican€bony the baddest in the city wate friendly 8328844985 - 22
(Lake Charles, lakecharles, sulphur,all areas at casino)
$$$$$ Specials $$$$$$ BLACK DIAMOND $$$$$ Specials $$$$$ 9016208252 Lastnite here!!! - 21
(New Orleans, New Orleans ,La)
** SwEet, SeXXXy, BlOnDe... dOnT mIss ThIs** INCALL SPECIALS ** - 23
(Metairie New Orleans - In/Out)
T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡•❣• - 20
(New Orleans, Outcalls Only !!!)
Mouth of the South~ BRITTANY! I'm BACK n ready 2 PLAY! WESTBANK incall! - 26
Make Me Your #1 Priority Chocolate Curvy & Beautiful - 22
(New Orleans, Westbank In/Out To Downtown &Surrounding;)
call n' c Northshore's hot SANDI BEECH in "something blue" by Victorias' Secret!!!!! - 26
Big EZ Escorts ** Meet Kelly , Paige , Ashley ... Slidell New Orleans Metairie - 21
(Slidell / New Orleans)
BOOTY 4 DAYS 1000% REAL SEXY 80spls ☆ ★ ☆ CERT!F!ED BAD * REDBONE * CUTIE ☆ - 23
👏👏👏 ❤❤❤Chinese Sexy Body Fiona 504-324-1854 Outcall Only❤❤❤`` - 23
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
💘💛💝 Barbie is Back 💚Laplace in/out calls Kenner Outcalls💜Best MASSAGE in town 💕 24/7 - 22
(Mid-City, New Orleans, 💙LAPLACE in/OUTCALLS 💙 Kenner)
BbW I hope ThIckNeSs iS your WeAkNeSs so I can be the One To TURN u OUT!! - 25
(New Orleans, I 10/ Clearview Pkwy)
+ Chaney + Chaney + Chaney + Chaney * Chaney ( ONCALL) ( Also On The North Shore ) - 26
(New Orleans / Outcalls on the north shor)
AwEsOmE MiXeD BeAuTY* SeNSuAL & NaUghTY! 36 GG's BuStY BrEaSt** Specials 60**Q SPECIALS - 23
(New Orleans)
🌹🌹🌹 Asian NEW Girl 🌹🌹🌹 Outcall Only 504-324-1833 🍀🍀🍀 Hot Gorgeous Body Jess 🍀🍀🍀~ - 22
(Central City / Garden District, Mid-City, New Orleans, Outcall Only)
✨ ALL NATURAL✨ P E R F E C T 🔟 👅💦 ____ ✔️ 1OO% REAL 💕 busty BL0NDE barbie 👸 - 25
(New Orleans, Kenner 🏩 near MSY airport ✈️)
💖👑💎🌟SuPeRHeAd! JuiCy bo0tY🌟💎👑💎🌟ᎶᎾℛᎶℰᎾUЅ ℙℒᎯᎽℳᎯᏆℰ 🌟👑💎👑🌟 т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє Line 🌟💎👑💖 - 21
(Chef hwy gentilly 🏠in and out🚗, Gentilly, New Orleans)
Tired of the same old thing, try me .... DION... (858)707~5311 ( Simply exquisite} - 22
(Super 8 On Clearview)
♥♥Available ♥Now♥ Sexy, ♥Naughty,♥ and ♥Ready♥ to ♥Play!!!♥ Cambodian ♥Beauty!♥♥ - 23
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, Read Blvd)
TS COCO It Melts In Your Mouth Not In Your Hand Caramel Taste Good when Its 504-939-9841 - 26
Ur Victoria Secret Bombshelll will be leaving Tomaro at noon call soon!!! (225)-394-2264 Catalina - 23
(New Orleans)
(¯`v´¯) ;★ ★I Am (★ DEFINITELY ★) Your Girl!! (¯`v´¯) MISS JADE.... - 19
(New Orleans, New Oreans,La)
UP LaTe : RESTLESS and CAN"T SLEEP --- --- CLiCK HeRe --- --- (REAL PICS) - 22
××××× uP EaRLy& LATE !!! ××××× 100% AUTHENTIC PiCs/ Independent/ REVIEWED/ Sensual & Discreet - 21
(New Orleans, New orleans & Surrounding)
(VISITING) S - E - X - Y **** T - H- I - C- K **** R- E- A- D- Y ^^^^(CALL) ## 702-371-7884
(French Quarters/Canal St.)
《SENSATION && PASSION》♥Few More Hours In Town♥Call Now♥Outcall Only♥ - 29
(New Orleans, Outcalls Only Metarie/Kenner)
_____ s e. X. X. X. y. 💋 s t u. n. n e. r ______ - 24
(Bywater, Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, New Orleans downtown)
REDHEAD Voluptuous BOMBSHELL.. IRISH Goddess.. Come Play - 25
(New Orleans, Veterans Blvd, Metairie)
Sexxyy))* MiXxed EBONY BOMBShHELL×—x ((* NEW)) x—x UPSCALE x—xSeXy )) x—x ** 100% REAL! - 22
(New Orleans, westbank & surroundings .)
S e E ___ mY ___ BoOTy___ BoUnCE fROM ////////LEFT //////TO \\\\\\ RIGHT (incall n.o east) 100$ FH - 20
(in n.o east/ outcallsj)
Sexy and Sweet... full of Energy Olivia has had her beauty sleep!!!! NEW PIC! - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans (metairie))
Pink Little Kitty 💦💕 ____ BEST IN TOWN!!! ___ 💕💕 __ young & frisky __ 💕💕__ DON'T MISS ME ____💕💦 - 20
(Kenner, Mid-City, New Orleans)
♥ ———————— • PERFECT 10 !! • ———————— * SOO GORGEOUS!! * ———————— ♥TOP NOTCH - 29
(New Orleans, Metairie In-Calls)
🔹💖🔹 Redhead 🔥HOTTIE🔥 with a JESSICA RABBIT Body 🔹💖🔹 - 30
(In/Westbank Out/Nola & surrounding areas, New Orleans, West Bank)
First 🕚🕕🕖 Here!! Trust Me👅👅 You Will Enjoy💃💃 Sexy Girl 👧👚👜Waiting On You 👨👷👴 Call Now - 23
(Metairie, New Orleans)
TS Jill here ready to show you how it's really done. In the flesh All Real - 23
(Gretna, New Orleans)
Your Goddess Veronica Star has Arrived! 🎀 💯ooo% Real Pics‼️ Drama Free & Discreet 🎀 - 19
(New Orleans, Outcall's Only)
UnTiLl ThE EnD Of HaPpy HoUr .............. Re@dY 2 pLe@sE @t A MoMeNtS NoTiCe - 22
(Incall & outcall)
X x X. . . . . . . C u T e . . . . . . S w e e T. . . . . & . . . P e T i T e . . . . X x X.
(New Orleans//and Surrounding Areas)
VERIFIED PROVIDER! Mouth of the South! Metairie Incalls! New Pics! Brittany
(At My condo in the French Quarter Area)
The one that NEVER disappoints . xoxoxo, Michelle. Call NOW! 24/7 - 22
(New Orleans, incalls/outcalls TWO girls AVAILABLE****)
Tory ☆★☆★☆★☆★ Sexy White Girl★☆★☆★100% Real Photos ☆★☆★☆ INDEPENDENT ☆★☆★☆ - 20
(Bywater, covington and outskirts Outcalls, New Orleans)
UP LaTe : RESTLESS and CAN"T SLEEP --- --- CLiCK HeRe --- --- (REAL PICS) - 22
★TOP OF THE LiNE ★ Sexy ★ BUSTy ★ Brunette ★100% ME ★ CERTiFiED ★ STAMPED & APPROVED - 23
(New Orleans, Metairie INCALL ♥ CauseWay Blvd+Galleria)