Mon 27 Jan
♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ [[ WITH M E ]] ♡♥♡ [[in EAST N.O]] ♡♥ incalls&outcalls; - 21
(New Orleans, East,Uptown,Westbank,in/outcalls)
Sexii ~*~ Sweet & Tasty ~*~ Lil Hottie ~*~ Nice Ebony Rim ~*~60 spl - 20
(New Orleans, East in/outcalls)
☆°o*° *¨¨*RARE BEAUTY SUPER SEXY Available NOW!!! 100% real Photos*¨¨* *°o☆ 70spls - 21
°o♥o°• ♣*ஐ*♣• 786 567 7041 ♣ •*ஐ*•♣° °o♣o°LET'S make MAGiC °o♣o° BEFORE i DiSSAPPEAR : ) °o♥o° - 21
(New Orleans, East,Uptown,Westbank,in/outcalls)
★•°o©• { SEXY } °o©• { FREE PARKING } °o©• { FULFILLYING } °o©• { EXOTiC } °o©• { READY NOW } °o© ° - 21
(New Orleans, Downtown,East,West,in & outcalls)
••••? *?* §PaNkABL€ BoOt¥'S *?* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *?* K¡LL€R BOD¥S *?*?•••• - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
***O.M.G. ** ******* **** *****Ms.PRETTY ** ******* HaS ArRiVeD**** (80)= SPE CIAL - 22
(new orleans east/in/outcalls)
(Metairie incall / Out NOLA area & NShore)
Sun 12 Jan
☆€XÂC†L¥ ;• WH† ° _U_ Ñ€€Ð ☆NÂUGHT¥ ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ♛U.P.SC.A.LE ♛ - 21
★ *♚* Sw€€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* H¡GHL¥ G¡Ft€D *♚* §¡MPL¥ ¡RR€§¡§tABL€ *♚* ★ 60 - 19
(New Orleans, East in~outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
all new 100 √ CREAM the DREAM a1,service guarantee - 21
(New Orleans, east bullard in calls/ outcalls)
60spl!!Cuties with a bootie!!!& THE BEST FOR LESS!!! 2 girl spc120roses - 19
(New Orleans, east In/outcalls)
You can look me in my face cuty white female eye contact - 25
(New Orleans, new orleanseast-incall all areas-outcall)
Sweet ~ Sexii ~ Slim ~ Caramel Delightful Treat~ Nice Booty ~ Want Play~ 60 spl - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ [[ WITH M E ]] ♡♥♡ [[in EAST N.O]] ♡♥ incalls&outcalls; - 21
(New Orleans, East,Uptown,Westbank,in/outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
★•°o©• { SEXY } °o©• { FREE PARKING } °o©• { FULFILLYING } °o©• { EXOTiC } °o©• { READY NOW } °o© ° - 21
(New Orleans, Downtown,East,West,in & outcalls)
***O.M.G. ** ******* **** *****Ms.PRETTY ** ******* HaS ArRiVeD**** (80)= SPE CIAL - 22
(new orleans east/in/outcalls)
Sexii ~*~ Sweet & Tasty ~*~ Lil Hottie ~*~ Nice Ebony Rim ~*~60 spl - 20
(New Orleans, East in/outcalls)
°o♥o°• ♣*ஐ*♣• 786 567 7041 ♣ •*ஐ*•♣° °o♣o°LET'S make MAGiC °o♣o° BEFORE i DiSSAPPEAR : ) °o♥o° - 21
(New Orleans, East,Uptown,Westbank,in/outcalls)
60spl!!Cutie with a bootie!!!& THE BEST FOR LESS!!! 2 girl spc100roses - 19
(New Orleans, east In/outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
! @==@__ T h I C K __@==@__ B u S t Y __@==@__ i R i S h __@==@__ 10O __@==@__ SpEcIaL _@==@ ! - 22
(Metairie Incall/Outcalls)
60spl!!Cutie with a bootie!!!& THE BEST FOR LESS!!! 2 girl spc100roses - 19
(New Orleans, east In/outcalls)
V e r i f i e d & Reviewed - OUTCALLS - 1000% REAL - I T A L I A N - Facetime - Skype - 21
(New Orleans, New Orleans Outcalls)
☆°o*° *¨¨*RARE BEAUTY SUPER SEXY Available NOW!!! 100% real Photos*¨¨* *°o☆ 70spls - 21
Special special Beauty & Brains + Creole Spice and everything nice 💙💛💙 - 24
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans, New Orleans East)
------- -SPECIAL(80) V.I.P.Sho B4 I GO it's PRETTY ---SPECIAL (80 )----- - 22
(new orleans east/in/outcalls)
------- -SPECIAL(80) V.I.P.Sho B4 I GO it's PRETTY ---SPECIAL (80 )----- - 22
(new orleans east/in/outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
► ★ ☎ 786 567 7041 ☏ ★ ◄ i'M AWAKE °o♥o° THEIR TIRED °o♥o° i'M WARM INSIDE ★ THEIR ICE COLD ❤ - 21
(New Orleans, Downtown,East,wEST,in & outcalls)
👑●❣●⭐♥⭐ *• :•.🌟👑.•: * •●❣ ●💢YOUR * •●❣●💢FANTASY * •●❣●💢GIRL *•●❣● • * :•.🌟.•: * • ⭐♥⭐●❣● - 22
(New Orleans, Laplace all surrounding)
••••? *?* §PaNkABL€ BoOt¥'S *?* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *?* K¡LL€R BOD¥S *?*?•••• - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
★ *♚* Sw€€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* H¡GHL¥ G¡Ft€D *♚* §¡MPL¥ ¡RR€§¡§tABL€ *♚* ★ 60 - 19
(New Orleans, East in~outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
Fetishes? Yes! ~~ I Do LOVE It There ~~ (( OileD & ReaDy )) Come FulFill Your fantasy!!! - - 23
(New Orleans, FQ/Metairie/Kenner/Mandeville/Covington)
Sun 05 Jan
Ms🍫🍫Pinky 💧💧😺Skeeter # IM BACK OUTCALLS ONLY - 25
(Eastern NO, New Orleans, Surrounding areas IN NEW ORLEANS)
50spl!!Cutie with a bootie!!!& THE BEST FOR LESS!!! 2 girl spc100roses - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
Vi§iTiNg ★ _ Don't Miss OUT!! _ ★ AvAiLaBlE NOW! - 24
(New Orleans, Outcalls Or Incalls In The East Bank !!)
Sat 04 Jan
You can look me in my face cuty white female eye contact - 25
(New Orleans, new orleanseast-incall all areas-outcall)
«Ms. Indiá » 80 $péçíàls Câll nòw ¤¤¤¤ EXOTÍC ÀSÌÀN & Blàck ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ - 23
(New Orleans, New Orleans & Surrounding)
"90SPECIAL" BiG bOotY PlAyMaTe "★" aMaZiNg CuRvEs - 22
(New Orleans, outcalls/incalls in new Orleans east)
Vi§iTiNg ★ _ Don't Miss OUT!! _ ★ AvAiLaBlE NOW! - 24
(New Orleans, Outcalls Or Incalls In The East Bank !!)
Fri 03 Jan
☆€XÂC†L¥ ;• WH† ° _U_ Ñ€€Ð ☆NÂUGHT¥ ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ♛U.P.SC.A.LE ♛ - 21
60spl!!Cuties with a bootie!!!& THE BEST FOR LESS!!! 2 girl spc120roses - 19
(New Orleans, east In/outcalls)
Sweet ~ Sexii ~ Slim ~ Caramel Delightful Treat~ Nice Booty ~ Want Play~ 60 spl - 19
(New Orleans, East In/outcalls)
*** LaTe NiTe** **** EaRlY MoRnInG** **100% Real** 80$** SpEcIaL*** - 22
(new orleans east/in/outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
▃▅▆██▆▅▃Face Down With My B00tY Up▃▅▆██▆▅▃ Come Tame This A©© $60 Spcls - 23
(New Orleans, In/outcalls New Orleans East)